blog:Health Archives | Destination Auto Group
Pursue Your Purpose by Creating a Personal Mission Statement

Most organizations—including business, non-profits, and educational institutions—have created mission statements that express their highest goals. In fact, you may find your employer has established theirs by visiting its company website. Experts say that individuals, too, can benefit from developing one. Your personal mission statement can bring your big goals into focus, identify the most important […]
How to Cultivate an Attitude of Gratitude

Thinking about all you have to appreciate can boost your happiness and your overall sense of well‑being, according to psychologists. (It helps explain why Thanksgiving scores so high among holidays. It's topped only by Christmas, according to one recent poll). The Effects of Gratitude Last Longer Than You Think Feeling and expressing gratitude can […]
Health and Wellness: Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) You have access to EAP services and thousands of well-being resources – articles, assessments, podcasts, audio recordings – customizable to topics of interest to you. This is included in your employee benefits coverage, there is no additional cost to you. Who is eligible: Active plan members Eligible dependants also have […]
Health and Wellness: Enhancement to Survivor Benefits

About the survivor benefit: The survivor benefit is available to CADA 360 Employee Benefit Plans (excluding the Retirees Plans) and includes: $10,000 life insurance benefit for surviving spouse $5,000 life insurance benefit for your qualified surviving dependant children 24-month benefit from date of your death, no charge Option to convert the life insurance amount to […]
Health and Wellness: Fitness When Life Feels Frenzied

Travel and commute in your athletic shoes. If you’re travelling for business, take laps in the airport. If you commute to work, get off the subway or train a couple of blocks short of your destination and walk the rest of the way. Or if you drive, park your car farther away from the door […]
Health and Wellness: Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) Don’t struggle alone! Get confidential, private support for any work, health or life concern through the LifeWorks well-being platform. You have access to EAP services and thousands of well-being resources – articles, assessments, podcasts, audio recordings – customizable to topics of interest to you. This is included in your employee benefits […]
Health and Wellness: The Importance of Relaxation

The importance of relaxation For some, the notion of relaxation may seem undeserved or feel like an unproductive use of time or even a chore; for others, it may simply seem too difficult to quiet the mind enough to relax. But learning to relax is one of the best ways to deal with stress and […]
Health And Wellness: Getting a Good Night's Sleep

If you have trouble sleeping, you're not alone. Researchers conducting sleep studies indicate that lack of sleep is considered a global epidemic. Even people who usually sleep well may have trouble when they're under extra stress or away from home. Why it's important to get enough sleep Although dependent on such factors as genetics and […]
Health Benefit Resource

My Canada Life at Work is a new and improved integrated website for all employees who are currently eligible for our Canada Life/CADA 360 Group Health Benefits Plan. New members can register directly through My Canada Life at Work. This site will provide you with access to comprehensive benefit plan information. Through […]
Health And Wellness: Stroke

Recognizing Signs Of A Stroke Use the letters in FAST to spot stroke signs and know when to call 9-1-1. Additional Symptoms of Stroke Sudden Numbness or weakness of the face, arm, or leg, especially on one side of the body Sudden Confusion, trouble speaking or understanding speech Sudden Trouble Seeing in one or […]